Happy Pride Month from Your Doulas!

Happy Pride Month from Your Doulas!

Happy Pride Month! I was having a consultation recently and divulged that I am a late in life lesbian and they said, “you know what? It’s better late than never!” And I agree!

“I hate being a mom” and that’s okay

“I hate being a mom” and that’s okay

I hate being a mom. Okay, okay, I don’t hate it… at least, not all of the time. Let me explain. Motherhood was always presented to me as a journey of love, joy, fulfillment, road trips where my kids roll their eyes at me, and lots of bad art. But what no one told me is that this road trip has road closures and detours that require challenges and sacrifices that I wasn’t fully prepared for!

This Parenting Advice Changed My Life

This Parenting Advice Changed My Life

I consider myself a recovering perfectionist, and 7 years ago I was a bit less of the “recovering” part. I started my pregnancy voraciously reading everything I could get my hands on. In my voracious reading, I collected really good nuggets of parenting advice that really helped and changed me.

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